Wednesday Rants
I have this ultra sensitive nose like a dog, any change of the weather, food at a distance, or signs of getting sick soon, my nose will usually gives the first indication of torturing me with non-stop sneezes, blocked nose and teary eyes.
Today, I had the attack again. It all started with yesterday with serious sinus in the morning, then it developed to slight fever and then by the time I hit the bed, my whole body just weakened and shoulders aching from the fever. Thought I could sleep through the night, but the stupiak hubby came home only at 3am after his company function (dunno it's true not!) and snored the whole night long till I spent the rest of the hours counting sheep in bed. WTF!
And now? My freaking nose is all blocked and I have to breathe through my pathetic mouth. Been feeling floaty the entire day but just couldn't take the time off to go see the doc or head home to rest. The Phuket event is nearing and I have to remind myself that I can't fall sick. All right, I will do myself a favour and leave the office now to go see the doc for some magic remedies...ciao!
By the way, my tasks are done, I is so glad :
1. Price list for the new products - checked!
2. Presentation tmr to brief internal staff on the conference in Phuket3 - checked!
3. Ensure the preparations for the triathlon challenge is well taken care of (action list, R&R, etc) - also checked!
but more work rolling in.....sigh...