My Babbles and Jabbers ;)

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Online Shopping Obsession

Since the start of maternity leave, I have been surfing the forum, getting tips on baby care and of cos' shopping online cos' confined at home with the baby.

So far, the buyings have been fruitful, bought several stuff from the bulk purchase threads, but mostly are for Baby Garreth, like nappy cream, toys, clothes, socks..but of cos' got things for myself and Hubby Goh, and the latest buy is the swim float for the little boy, hoping that with the help of this magic float, he will love swimming and we can bring him to the sister's condo to test trial with him when he turns 6 months (PD said 6 months should be safe cos' before that, baby's skin is still fragile and sensitive, might not good to expose them to chlorine). But before that, I will have to source around again for his swim thermal wear....haha..another excuse for e-shopping again!

Ughh..back to work, hopefully today can leave early and able to play with Baby Garreth before he sleeps at 8pm. Miss him so much...

Friday, February 22, 2008

My Life After Back to Work

24hours a day don't seem to be enough for me eversince back at work.

The daily schedule now is like:
6.45am - wake up, wash/sterilise milk bottles, put laundry to wash in the washing machine, bathe, change, hang the clothes
8am - leave the house for work
9am - 6.30pm - office working (fighting wars, shunning arrows...)
7.30pm - reach home, bathe, dinner, play with Garreth, pat him and sing lullaby to him till he sleeps
9pm -soak dirty clothes for wash the next day (esp Garreth's!), sterilise milk bottles, allocate his milk powder in the container for mum's use the next day, watch abit of TV programmes
11pm - SLEEP!

It's fortunate that I do not need to do "night duty" during weekdays as mum said it's gonna be tedious on me. Been cracking brain on ways to train Baby Garreth to sleep through the night without having to wake up for milk but it's either timing not right or doesn't have the chance to do so. Mum is very soft-hearted, she will immediately jump up to make milk for Garreth once he makes a little noise...and perhaps that's why he has cultivated the habit of still waking up for milk in the middle of the night cos' he knows that he will get milk if he makes some noise. Did tell mum to ignore his calls, but she claimed that he will cry and scream if he's not fed and that will in turn wake us all up. Sigh..see lah.

Have also tried to give him dream feed at 10.30pm or 11pm after his last feed at 7.30pm or 8pm, but still, he will wake up at 3am for another feed. This boy ah...really naughty leh, his fren born on the same day as him is already sleeping through from 7.30pm to 6.30am! How that?? Since mum's going home tonight, I will probably be trying the method the forum gals have been teaching me since I'm on "night duty" alone. Hopefully he reacts positively to it and mum can save the hassle of waking up to feed him at 3am.

If only I can take care of him single-handedly...then I can easily create a routine for him since he's now 3 months old.

Tomorrow Daddy Goh will be working full day, so that's left me and Baby Goh...probably will bring him for a walk nearby (maybe the NTUC near our place??) since I have already bought the baby carrier?! Feel like a lousy mum...cos' from birth till now, I have yet to bring him out's always with Daddy, else we are confined at home together. See how lah!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Hope He is Ok Soon

Garreth had his 3rd month jab on tuesday. Damn, he has developed fever the next day and it has been going on and off till this morning. Mum said she heard him sniffing, so he could have blocked nose as well. Urgghh...that weak bugger. Hope he will recover soon and be his usual chirpy self again before the weekend comes.

So demoralising. Have sent out nearly 10 job applications so far but none interviews. I wanna get out of this sickening company soon, the indicators and politics are driving me nuts. To think that I have to even handle my Sales Director's air tickets and accommodation now that the admin gal has left! Absolutely ridiculous! It will be such a laughing stock that I go around telling my future employers that my jobscope includes booking air tickets and hotels for the sales managers. Also hoping that I will get a job that will require me to fly less (yes, I still want to fly!)...

I better start to chant more daimoku from now..

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Haha...Got Flowers Afterall..

Yah, it was meant to be a surprise from Hubby Goh, but it came super late (like 4pm?!) and the stupid delivery man was damn anti-climax, he actually called me up and asked how to get to my office to deliver the bouquet to me!

Anyway, it's better to be late than never.

The flowers did cheer me up amidst all the crappy stress at work.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Got Love but No Flowers

It's V-day but seems like it has kinda lost its significance eversince got married.

So what's the surprise today from Hubby Goh?

Ermm..NOTHING..he just suggested a V-Day breakfast at Killiney Kopitiam this morning cos' he has a meeting to attend to this evening after work. ROMANTIC..

And there's no flowers either. It's been like 2 years since I've received flowers from him? Not even a single stalk today.

Sigh. Sadness..

Work sucks too. Dread coming to work everyday. So many erratic changes and restructuring that they drive me insane. The one and only consolation is going back home to see the smiley Garreth Boy in the evening before he sleeps at 9pm.

Love the boy, he's getting cuter by the day...I wish I have all the time for him to watch him grow.

Sigh. Life sucks.