As promised, here are some pics for the event in Phuket..
We touched down in Phuket on Sunday afternoon (4/6), checked in to our respective hotel rooms and then headed to the Conference Room to start packing the conference dockets and goodie bags. The dinner at Ban Thai was not too bad but a pity that my favourite band, the Manila Jam did not perform. The whole night was nothing but all the rumbo jumbo music by the blackies.
The first half day of the Conference was spent having an internal meeting with the MD while the juniors went to receive and greet the guests at the hotel lobby. As expected, I was arrowed to be the emcee for the rest of the event, so I had to hide in my room before the dinner starts to work on my welcome speech..tough job!

That's me on stage, posing before the event starts.

The weather was super humid on that night. Many were soaked in smelly sweat and didn't have the appetite to eat. haha. Too bad.

The second day started with the official Conference. Here I am again yakking and giving house rules before the presentations.

I had to take charge of the Triathlon Challenge on the next day. My exec was shunning from the blazing sun, so I had to brave the heat and ultra-violet to coordinate the games. I think overall, my guests enjoyed all the games amidst the heat. But the downside was that the smelly ah nehs played foul and blocked the good karters, made their karts go hay wired and disqualified them from the competition. Blardy hell. I was so pissed. Lucky no one was badly hurt, else I will pluck their chest hair strand by strand!

Check out the beautiful sun set. We held our farewell dinner by the patong beach with the romantic hawaiian setup; fire torches, sun beds, fully skirted banquet tables and chairs and yummy seafood buffet. My guests were gasping with awe when they arrived...and I started my speech thanking them for attending my "wedding beach party"...haha!
Speaking of the Hawaiian theme, we made the hotel send a set of batik shirt, sarong and slippers on the night before, for our guests to dress up to the theme for the dinner. I tell you lor, the shirts and sarongs were super duper ugly, I had this S'pore tour guide batik short sleeve shirt and a maroon sarong with matching pink slippers. Before I slept, I had to strain and figure how on earth I should coordinate the two outfits to attend the dinner the next day. In the end, I only wore my own white top with the maroon sarong. The shirt? I left it in the room and refused to pack them in my luggage when I checked out. Too ugly la.

See how sporting these people? I was expecting them to boycott the outfits provided, but turned out that they were more than willing to wear them. Ha!
We had sexy babes performing too...although there was one fatter than me..keke..

At the end of the event, we promised everyone a fantastic fireworks display. This gonna sound eerie...check out the pics below, did you see those blurred white bubbles in thebackground? It just didn't daunt us that there were something unusual about them until we realised that it is not only ONE camera, but FOUR altogether had the same effects after taking the pics at the beach. Surely there's no such things as pure coincidence right? All the four cams have faulty lighting probs or over exposed?

Anyway, David claimed that these are the lone "spirits" of the dead at the Tsunami incident. It's creepy isn't it? But David claimed that it is ok, just treat them as friends cos they are afterall "harmless". In fact, he thought it was a sign wor, so he went to the four face buddha to give some offerings of appreciation. Gosh, the thought of it just gives me goosebumps. May the dead rest in peace, pls dun scare the innocents anymore =P
On second thoughts, maybe I should send these photos to Straits Times and get them to solve the mystery? Hmm...yah..maybe when I'm less busy la..
Stay tuned to the next blog for the diving pics!