Diving Adventure Part 1
Haven't receive the pics from David. So here's some pics I took before we went diving at Phi Phi Island. We set off and reached the pier. Was damn bloody packed. So many people bought the one day Phi Phi Island tour. For us? It was free...haha. We didn't even have to pay for the tickets for the Cruiser cos' David owns 4 of them with 2 other shareholders!

We didn't have to squeeze with everyone on the deck or the air-con seats.....

We had our VIP seats in David's Captain's Room!! But the aircon was too much for us lah...so we proceeded to the deck for some fresh air and sun.

This is David.. he used to be bigger size until he took up diving...right. So perhaps I shld continue my diving course soon, to shed those frigging fats!

We are such photo whores..pose and pose..

I was looking up the sky and saw this straight line across the many clouds. So amazingly cool!

Ta da! This is Phi Phi Island..part of it only la..

David's diving facilities in his cruiser. This is his training pool for the divers. If you look closely, it is not a swimming pool, the water came from the sea and it is not enclosed. He put grills around the pool so that the diving newbies like us can have a better feel of the sea and the current during the trainings.

Check out these sotongs they caught the night before. Sun-tanning on the deck of the cruiser. Haa..2 of them were handicapped, one had a jacked eye, the other has broken "legs". that's why they got caught. Haaaa... orbey!

The night is falling, they are fishing for more squids for sashimi! Yums!

There you go...after 2 hrs, David finally caught a huge squid!

Haha! That was our dinner!

Keke..my poor Hub! He stood so near the fishing line, so the furious squid squirted black ink when David tried to pull him out from the sea. Me? Lucky I ran fast, only got some stains on my right leg. Damn heng!

And they caught more sotongs....

They quickly became our dinner delicacies..fresh and raw sotongs with home-made chilli! Sedap! My first time tasting raw sotongs, they tasted crunchy and sweet..and blended very well with the firing hot chilli! Huff huff puff puff!

We had our simple dinner in the cruiser. David's crew cooked...it was horrid, but have to make do lah.

Before we left the island, David presented us this necklace as souvenir. He said it's the shark's teeth wor, dunno how true it is. He is one diver that doesn't abide a diver's principle. Haha..he eats sharks meat, sharks fins...and he wears shark's teeth. Better not tell my diver frens, else they sure whack him upside down!

We didn't have to squeeze with everyone on the deck or the air-con seats.....

We had our VIP seats in David's Captain's Room!! But the aircon was too much for us lah...so we proceeded to the deck for some fresh air and sun.

This is David.. he used to be bigger size until he took up diving...right. So perhaps I shld continue my diving course soon, to shed those frigging fats!

We are such photo whores..pose and pose..

I was looking up the sky and saw this straight line across the many clouds. So amazingly cool!

Ta da! This is Phi Phi Island..part of it only la..

David's diving facilities in his cruiser. This is his training pool for the divers. If you look closely, it is not a swimming pool, the water came from the sea and it is not enclosed. He put grills around the pool so that the diving newbies like us can have a better feel of the sea and the current during the trainings.

Check out these sotongs they caught the night before. Sun-tanning on the deck of the cruiser. Haa..2 of them were handicapped, one had a jacked eye, the other has broken "legs". that's why they got caught. Haaaa... orbey!

The night is falling, they are fishing for more squids for sashimi! Yums!

There you go...after 2 hrs, David finally caught a huge squid!

Haha! That was our dinner!

Keke..my poor Hub! He stood so near the fishing line, so the furious squid squirted black ink when David tried to pull him out from the sea. Me? Lucky I ran fast, only got some stains on my right leg. Damn heng!

And they caught more sotongs....

They quickly became our dinner delicacies..fresh and raw sotongs with home-made chilli! Sedap! My first time tasting raw sotongs, they tasted crunchy and sweet..and blended very well with the firing hot chilli! Huff huff puff puff!

We had our simple dinner in the cruiser. David's crew cooked...it was horrid, but have to make do lah.

Before we left the island, David presented us this necklace as souvenir. He said it's the shark's teeth wor, dunno how true it is. He is one diver that doesn't abide a diver's principle. Haha..he eats sharks meat, sharks fins...and he wears shark's teeth. Better not tell my diver frens, else they sure whack him upside down!

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