My Babbles and Jabbers ;)

Thursday, January 26, 2006


He: Dearie, I'm on my way to fetch you, will drop by some place first to pack dinner.
Me: Ok, honey, I haven't had dinner yet too, can you pack for me as well?

He: Huh? You have not eaten? Then what do you want me to pack?
Me: Anything lah...

He: Mac can or not?
Me: Dun want lah, I dun want fast food can? [it's fattening!]

He: Then what do you want? [Mac is convenient, I can juz make use of their drive-thru service mah]
Me: Anything lah... [but not fast food!]

He: You tell me what you want then I go and pack lah [Can we just settle on Mac?]
Me: Aiyah, I've already told you ANYTHING wat... [definitely no fast food!]

He: Sigh..ok ok...I go park my car when I reached and we eat together in IMM ok? [Give up, I really don't know what you want to eat!]
Me: Oh..ok lor, but I've already told you anything will do wat... [Yeah! No fast food!!]

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Why OH Why?

Why some are born leaders, some are followers?
Why are there ego-istic assholes, and some humble bees?
Why some people splurge money like water, some thrift like a pauper?
Why then why?

There are endless whys in this world.
God made us this way.
We juz have to accept WHY. Sigh.

Friday, January 20, 2006

My Life, Rated

This Is My Life, Rated
Take the Rate My Life Quiz

My life score is reasonably high, which means I'm on a good path, whee! It says that I should continue do what is working and set about to improve in areas which is lagging. I have to start TODAY and I will begin to reap the benefits IMMEDIATELY! zhun or not huh?

My score is not too bad, but could be improved upon. My mental health is not weak, but I'm not achieving FULL MENTAL CLARITY and FUNCTION. Ok, but WTF?!?!


My body score is rather good, means I take good care of myself. BUT, if i start my exercise routine all over again, I think I will score a perfect 10! Sigh, that reminds me, probably should sign up with some gym after CNY to lose some weight and gross fats!

Scored 6.8 points. Been chanting more often for a smooth sailing career recently...whether things happened out of pure coincidence or was it just miracles, I will still chant for inner peace and balance ;)

Friends/ Family:
This is the weakest of all. I admit I do not have a wide social network of friends. That's cos' I'm simply too lazy to seek out new friendships. But hey, I very 讲义气 one ok, I treat my friends like diamonds and protect them like gold. Once you're my friend, you're always my friend...but I would not tolerate BETRAYAL, if so, hell you go...goodiebye!

It's the highest!! Which means I'm in a HAPPY situation right now! Bingo! Though marriage life is not perfect (and I'm not striving for one), he completes me. Well, let's just say life will never be the same without him...hiaks! =)

I'm surprised! Haha..thought I should stop splurging on retail theraphy and start saving for rainy days..keke..but whatever, one of 2006's resolutions is to save at least a whopping $10K with hubby by the end of the year. But...but...I still yearn for a LCD TV for the room tell me lah!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Lunch Anyone?

First week of work has been ok except.....finding a lunch khaki!
Yeh I dread it, it was kinda hard to get a constant lunch khaki in the new environment because:

1. You belong to the managerial level, the ground staff tends to shun you...sensitive lah, they tell you
2. There are 2 clicks in the company, you don't know which one to join, by the time u have decided, they have zoomed off for lunch!
3. Most of the managers are outstation all the time, there are no manager clicks, boohoo!

Another stressful day tmr, sigh...stress over who to lunch with =P

CNY is juz round the corner, getting all excited! Here's the latest addition in the house for the CNY, swee bor? We ran several streets to find the ideal one - right length, right size and right number of fire crackers!
Dong dong chiang...dong dong chiang *sings*

Friday, January 13, 2006

Friday the 13th

It's FIRST day at work, have survived the day practically without a pc, internet access nor a desktop phone..urks! sucks! But the good thing is I have a tiny room by my own, the size of 2 HDB toilets put together..haha! Yeah to privacy! Boo to loneliness =(

The entire day was filled with briefings after briefings by the new boss, reading company brochures and product datasheets, shaking hands with new colleagues and what have you. It was a full day of info overload that gives me the indigestion till now *burp*

The new boss will be outstationed for a week, but that doesn't call for a celebration, I have 3 challenging tasks to complete! The new lappie they got for me better be ready on Monday, no time to lose for so much work!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Nua-ing At Home

Yeah, I’ve changed the text to a slightly bigger font, nice eh?

The stupid Sharp LCD monitor died on me last Tue! So pissed! Now we have to use the old 17” IBM CRT kept in the storeroom, it was protesting earlier and I was about to give up when it came to life again! Phew! Kuai Kuai, you must be good and not fail me till we have the spare cash to get a new LCD monitor again, ok? *kiss kiss*

We had some fun at Costume Costume to search for the perfect MadHat for Hubby's D&D tmr... spouses and partners are not invited, duh.

The last eunuch *ops*...EMPEROR lah!


Wu Fei Hong and his signature pose!

Check out this gorgeous flora arrangement, my sis and bro-in-law's masterpiece. They are so sweet to arrange for me just becos' I fell in love with one I spotted in a magazine! I love you both, sis and bro! Anyone wants to order? Sell you cheap cheap lah...

Monday, January 09, 2006

Dangerous Stunts Vs Public Donations

Am so glad that the sky has unfolded, we finally see the beautiful SUN after 2 freaking days of continuous rain! So wish that I can be home now to do my heaps of laundry, Hubby is running out of black socks to wear liao, hiaks!

Anyway, last night after dinner, I sat down in front of the TV to catch Ren Ci Charity Show with my mobile phone, all ready to dial in to the donation hotline to pledge my donation. I've never been an avid donor to all charity shows by MediaCorp, much less to the then-propagandised NKF (note: I didn't lose a single cent to them! haha!)

Ok sorry, I have digressed..back to Ren Ci show.

I caught Reverend Ming Yi doing his dangerous stunt up on the 66th floor of the Republic Plaza, there was no stopping of his determination although the rain came down hard and the wind blew strong on him. I held my breath and then made a $5 donation. By then he was rain-soaked but he still wanted to persevere and continue the second half of his stunt which was fortunately aborted due to the heavy rain. He then broke down in tears while expressing his appreciation to donors and celebrities for their hard work. The sucker me weeped with him and made a further $5 donation. I didn't donate because of the dangerous stunt he was performing, but rather, I admire and respect his willingness to volunteer such acts for his unfortunate patients in his Ren Ci Hospital. My point is, I will still donate if there ain't any entertaining stunts by him or MediaCorp Celebrities. They do not need to go to that extra mile of breaking a neck or spraining a leg to collect donations for the Charity Organisations, this is really uncalled for. Won't it be a better idea to just unveil the sad stories of patients and their family members to all Singaporeans, or make all the celebrities do volunteer work for the Hospital instead of risking their lives? We do not have hearts made of steel, we do feel...

On a naughty note, I would wish that TT Durai could start picking up stunts and skills, perhaps sky-diving with a brollie? Bury himself alive in the coffin for 5 hrs? or stuff himself with 10kg of gory animal parts to atone his sins? Haha..we name it and he does it, maybe then Singaporeans might forgive him? I mean MAYBE...not guaranteed... that depends on the intensity of his stunts too! *evil laff*

* Celebrating my last day at work! Yippie!

Sunday, January 08, 2006

When’s The Rain Gonna Stop ?

Here comes the weekend, but here comes the rain. The rain has been pouring non-stop since last Friday and has dampen my mood eversince. My fresh laundry smells, I can’t go shopping (can’t check out my Nokia phone!!), the chilly weather defunct my brain, I feel sleepy all the time, the TV programmes suck, I am BORED TO DEATH AT HOME!

Rain rain go away
Come again another day
Barnie and friends wants to play ...
- my niece recited when we were out for dinner last night, see, even a 3 year old hates the rain! Go rain go!

All smiles! Cos' she gets her strawberry shortcake ice cream from Gelare!

Friday, January 06, 2006

I WANT A NEW Mobile Phone!

Pic source from

What do you think of this Nokia 7370 phone? I like the NEW yummy chocolate brown colour..gonna check it out this weekend with hubby dear, gonna act sweet/cute/gentle and con him to buying me, he still owe me a X'mas pressie anyway, muhaha! Plus I can also do away with a Valentine's Day gift *desperate*

Hey, I have been using my 6320 for donkey years (no lah, I think only a year+), time for a change change change *sings*

* Note that I've used yummy chocolate brown font colour in my entry to show how much I adore this phone! *evil grin*

Here're some totally irrelevant pics -

We love to pose silly in front of the camera...

Thursday, January 05, 2006

2 Things You Are Not Supposed to Mention When You See Me....please...

Ok folks (that includes strangers as well)! Here's a gentle reminder that the next time you see me, or if you happen to bump into me on the roads, please do not comment on my HEIGHT, or my RED EYES.

This morning, at my estate on my way to the bus stop, a man believe to be working at a nearby construction worksite whizzed past me and exclaimed:

"WAH! So tall ah!!"

I was wearing ear phones listening to Glen and FD but I could still hear his crude remarks. I turned my head, gave him a 2-seconds infuriating stare and then continued to sashay my way to the bus stop. Hello, not I tall ok, you are short, and so what if I'm tall, you have problem? Go and eat more long beans and grow a few inches lah...duh?! I know I'm slightly taller than the normal Singaporean gals out there, but I'm not a giraffe, you don't have to act shocked or remind me of my height.

Then there is my dry eye syndrome. Right, I can't generate enough tears like a normal person do (but that doesn't mean I can't cry ok?), my eyes turn red easily when they are super dry, when I'm tired or when I'm intoxicated. If you see that my eyes turned red the next time, be a kind soul and offer me some eye drops or eye lubricants, telling me that I have RED EYES doesn't do any help. Remember people, ACTION SPEAKS LOUDER THAN WORDS okie?

Here's thanking you for your future that is... Bleh.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

New Year Resolution No. 1 - CHECKED!

Alas! I'm starting my much awaited blog... in the brand New Year 2006, hee...FINALLY, after much procrastination in 2005, here I am!

Been super swamped in my new job for the past 2 months, so much that I've started to get disconnected from my dear family and friends and believe it or not, totally cut off from my favourite pastime - SHOPPING!! Good grief a new job offer came in time, I'm looking forward to a brand new job in a brand new year and hopefully no more job-hopping again. *cross fingers and toes* This is New Year Resolution No. 2. So what are yours?

Here's a recent pic of my darling niece, isn't she a sweetie! She has my the-then bushy eyebrows (yeh, now I have beautiful tattoo-ed eyebrows!) and my sis's sexy tiny eyes, turning 4 this June but speaks like an 8 yrs old kid! Well, kids are smarter nowadays unlike my time, cos' they have a variety of milk formulas to choose from, we had to settle for "KLIM", the supposedly more premium "gong gong" goo nee hoon (milk powder) during my era. Hey, check out the name "KLIM", spell it backwards, what do you get? Gee, people at that time are not as creative huh? Drink more "KLIM" lah...