Nov Mummies Meet Up
I don't usually do this, but thought it will be quite fun meeting up with those people I chatted in the forum all these while. They are apparently the Nov mummy to bes (MTBs), and we are all "popping" in the same month, having our edds a few weeks or days apart.
We met up at Ellenborough Market Cafe at Merchant Court for buffet dinner. There were 10 of us this time round, could have been more but some just couldn't make it for that date.
Here are the pretty glamour MTBs! Some of the cafe customers were quite amused with our table of all preggies...haha...

We discussed about breast pumps, weight gain, baby names, antenatal lessons, food craves and alot interesting!

It's such a coincidence that one of the ladies is Hubby Goh's colleagues, sitting in the same office as he is (the one on my left)! Haha...Hubby Goh, you beware, "I am watching you"...

I think the ladies would love to do a 2nd meetup again, to make sure that we catch up again before we are due for delivery. Hope there will be more joining us that time. And hope, I'm not the 2nd eldest in the group by sad leh, the oldest in the group is this lady who's 2 yrs my senior, but she already had 2 boys and this is her third. Me? Over 30 liao and only my first! Boohoo....but a good thing that one of the gals commented that I look younger than my age, so ok lah, at least there's some consolation here. Hee..
We met up at Ellenborough Market Cafe at Merchant Court for buffet dinner. There were 10 of us this time round, could have been more but some just couldn't make it for that date.
Here are the pretty glamour MTBs! Some of the cafe customers were quite amused with our table of all preggies...haha...
We discussed about breast pumps, weight gain, baby names, antenatal lessons, food craves and alot interesting!
It's such a coincidence that one of the ladies is Hubby Goh's colleagues, sitting in the same office as he is (the one on my left)! Haha...Hubby Goh, you beware, "I am watching you"...
I think the ladies would love to do a 2nd meetup again, to make sure that we catch up again before we are due for delivery. Hope there will be more joining us that time. And hope, I'm not the 2nd eldest in the group by sad leh, the oldest in the group is this lady who's 2 yrs my senior, but she already had 2 boys and this is her third. Me? Over 30 liao and only my first! Boohoo....but a good thing that one of the gals commented that I look younger than my age, so ok lah, at least there's some consolation here. Hee..
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