Post NDP Preview Pics
Ah! Finally had some time to upload the pics as promised. But cos' I only have my mobile phone cable with me in the office now, so these are just what I've got...
These are the pics taken when the day starts to fall, after the parachuters stunts and gong fu kids' performance.
This is where I'm seated, opposite to the main Grandstand, right next to the choir kids. Could see Wei Lian (the blind superstar) from a distant when he was singing on the raised stage, quite cool. Not exactly a good seat cos' we couldn't figure most of the shapes which the performers had formed, we relied on the 3 mega screens behind us instead, but ended up with cramped shoulders and heads...

This is the item prior to the Hubby's. See the purple men with the red objects? Yea, they stormed out from both side entrances like warriors and stood by there for their turn. I and the niece were so excited to see them!! The niece keep asking me, "Where's yeezhang? Where's yeezhang?"....aiyo...there are 1200 purple men there, how would I know right?

And here they are, smacked right in the middle of the event ground. I think it was quite a touching sight to see 1200 faithful SOKA Association male members coming together to put up an item for the nation's birthday. They have afterall slogged and slaved for months, turning up on both Thurs and Sats faithfully for their practice sessions. It's the kind of spirit dedication which I admire cos' I know I will not be able to accomplish that knowing myself well enough.

Another pattern they formed...

And they changed the colour of the lights in the dark..mind you, their prop weighs 5kg each leh, which explains why they only recruited male members in the beginning..

Highlight of the parade!!! Fireworks!! Wah..i tell you, these fireworks juz burst and bloomed out of a sudden that can scare the hell out of people! Esp. when they were shot from the back of us, so most of the time they exploded into the air when we were not prepared.

More fireworks...

It was reported in the papers that they showed only one third of what they were supposed to display on the actual day event. So stingy eh? Want to show must as well show the full version right? So smelly...the organisers.

See, once the fireworks started, everyone jumped up from their seats to capture the spectacular moment.

And the finale...many juz grab their goodie bag and headed for the exit. So kia-su. At least give a little respect to the performers lah, right not? And with these people walking here and there, it was quite disturbing also. What is wrong with these people ah? *shake head*

The niece and yours truly. We were all sweaty and smelly after the parade ends, but well, we enjoyed this exhilirating experience at the parade! What do you know? It is the very last year that NDP parade is being held at this ancient national stadium. Hearsay that it's gonna be demolished to make way for a new sports hub that promises the latest sports facilities and what else but shopping outlets! Can't wait!!

All's over, we flew down to the event ground to look for the three Power Puff Boys...*lol*

And so if you didn't manage to catch the NDP preview last Sat, do stay tune next Wed, 9 Aug for the actual day parade. Give your support to the great performers, esp. the 1200 purple men! Kudos for their hard work and effort!
These are the pics taken when the day starts to fall, after the parachuters stunts and gong fu kids' performance.
This is where I'm seated, opposite to the main Grandstand, right next to the choir kids. Could see Wei Lian (the blind superstar) from a distant when he was singing on the raised stage, quite cool. Not exactly a good seat cos' we couldn't figure most of the shapes which the performers had formed, we relied on the 3 mega screens behind us instead, but ended up with cramped shoulders and heads...

This is the item prior to the Hubby's. See the purple men with the red objects? Yea, they stormed out from both side entrances like warriors and stood by there for their turn. I and the niece were so excited to see them!! The niece keep asking me, "Where's yeezhang? Where's yeezhang?"....aiyo...there are 1200 purple men there, how would I know right?

And here they are, smacked right in the middle of the event ground. I think it was quite a touching sight to see 1200 faithful SOKA Association male members coming together to put up an item for the nation's birthday. They have afterall slogged and slaved for months, turning up on both Thurs and Sats faithfully for their practice sessions. It's the kind of spirit dedication which I admire cos' I know I will not be able to accomplish that knowing myself well enough.

Another pattern they formed...

And they changed the colour of the lights in the dark..mind you, their prop weighs 5kg each leh, which explains why they only recruited male members in the beginning..

Highlight of the parade!!! Fireworks!! Wah..i tell you, these fireworks juz burst and bloomed out of a sudden that can scare the hell out of people! Esp. when they were shot from the back of us, so most of the time they exploded into the air when we were not prepared.

More fireworks...

It was reported in the papers that they showed only one third of what they were supposed to display on the actual day event. So stingy eh? Want to show must as well show the full version right? So smelly...the organisers.

See, once the fireworks started, everyone jumped up from their seats to capture the spectacular moment.

And the finale...many juz grab their goodie bag and headed for the exit. So kia-su. At least give a little respect to the performers lah, right not? And with these people walking here and there, it was quite disturbing also. What is wrong with these people ah? *shake head*

The niece and yours truly. We were all sweaty and smelly after the parade ends, but well, we enjoyed this exhilirating experience at the parade! What do you know? It is the very last year that NDP parade is being held at this ancient national stadium. Hearsay that it's gonna be demolished to make way for a new sports hub that promises the latest sports facilities and what else but shopping outlets! Can't wait!!

All's over, we flew down to the event ground to look for the three Power Puff Boys...*lol*

And so if you didn't manage to catch the NDP preview last Sat, do stay tune next Wed, 9 Aug for the actual day parade. Give your support to the great performers, esp. the 1200 purple men! Kudos for their hard work and effort!
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