I've Popped!
Finally could take a breather and update the blog. Been suffering from blogging withdrawal symptoms since the day I popped...it was so sudden and we were so not mentally prepared that right now I've yet to recover from the shock :)
Anyway, it was 15 Nov and here's the detailed birth story:
9am: Hubby Goh and I as usual went for our 38th checkup and he promised to bring me to BK for breakfast before heading for work cos' I had cravings for it. At the clinic, Dr Chan made me do the CTG scan to monitor my contractions and baby's heart beat.
9.40am: Dr Chan analysed the CTG report and said that I only had mild contractions and that baby's heartbeat is good so not to worry. Subsequently he performed VE on me and realised that I was already 4cm dilated and my cervix is already very soft. Immediately he sent me to the labour ward and told me that he will see me "in a few hours' time"....OMG!
10am: Was admitted to Labour Ward and sent to Delivery Suite 9. Changed into surgery gown and nurse gave me enema to poo. Was terribly hungry but they just won't give me any food or even WATER! Meanwhile, Hubby Goh dashed home to get the hospital bags and admission documents.
11am: Nurse put me on drip to intense the contraction. Damn bloody bored and the stupid TV channels all showing food programs..made me even more hungry!
11.30am: Dr Chan came to burst my water bag...felt a big gush of warm water flushing down from "below".. Hubby Goh finally came back and joined me in the delivery suite.
12pm: Contraction getting more painful, I chickened out and opted for epidural..haha.
12.15pm: The anesthetist came and administered epidural for me. Nice chap and the whole process was smooth and painless. No instant relieve of pain, though the lower body starts to get numb, still could feel the pain but manageable.
1pm: Nurse came to check my contraction pain level. It was still painful so they added more dosage to make my lower body more numbed. After a while, I couldn't feel my legs at all, Hubby tried to pinch or hammer them but I could not feel anything! Don't like the feeling.
2.30pm: Midwife did VE, already 8cm dilated...
3.30pm: Performed VE again, midwife said can get ready liao and taught me how to push. Pushed twice and they could see a little of baby's head. Pushing was halted and midwife went to page for Dr Chan
3.40pm: Dr Chan arrived and started to wear his surgery gown and got ready his equipment. 2 Midwives assisted me in the pushing, one monitored my contraction, another one was pushing my tummy. After 3 pushes, Baby Garreth is out!!
That's Baby Garreth freshly out from the womb..
It was a touching moment when baby was brought to my chest the moment he was delivered. Both hubby goh and I were so happy that we were lost for words and dropped tears of joy together. If my memory didn't fail me, I think Hubby Goh did kiss me after the process was over..haha..must double check with him, the labour went so quick and fast that I can't really remember some details.

I was still pretty awake and cheerful after the delivery. Waiting for the midwives to clean me up and send me to my ward.

Baby Garreth on Day 1...my precious little one... :)
Stilll adapting to confinement days. Now I know why it is called confinement cos' it's really confined at home and doing nothing but eat, sleep, breastfeed and eat, sleep, breastfeed. The CL is driving me nuts each day, she's like a spoilt radio which keeps on repeating her words again and again non stop. The only thing I could compliment her is that she can cook, but that's after making a hell out of my kitchen, I have never seen my kitchen in such a messy state before, like a war-zone. Wanted to call the agency to complain yesterday but after some thoughts, I've decided to give her another chance and monitor her performance till tmr. If all's not well, she has to go go go!
Alright..gotta go rest liao..more updates in the next post!
Anyway, it was 15 Nov and here's the detailed birth story:
9am: Hubby Goh and I as usual went for our 38th checkup and he promised to bring me to BK for breakfast before heading for work cos' I had cravings for it. At the clinic, Dr Chan made me do the CTG scan to monitor my contractions and baby's heart beat.
9.40am: Dr Chan analysed the CTG report and said that I only had mild contractions and that baby's heartbeat is good so not to worry. Subsequently he performed VE on me and realised that I was already 4cm dilated and my cervix is already very soft. Immediately he sent me to the labour ward and told me that he will see me "in a few hours' time"....OMG!
10am: Was admitted to Labour Ward and sent to Delivery Suite 9. Changed into surgery gown and nurse gave me enema to poo. Was terribly hungry but they just won't give me any food or even WATER! Meanwhile, Hubby Goh dashed home to get the hospital bags and admission documents.
11am: Nurse put me on drip to intense the contraction. Damn bloody bored and the stupid TV channels all showing food programs..made me even more hungry!
11.30am: Dr Chan came to burst my water bag...felt a big gush of warm water flushing down from "below".. Hubby Goh finally came back and joined me in the delivery suite.
12pm: Contraction getting more painful, I chickened out and opted for epidural..haha.
12.15pm: The anesthetist came and administered epidural for me. Nice chap and the whole process was smooth and painless. No instant relieve of pain, though the lower body starts to get numb, still could feel the pain but manageable.
1pm: Nurse came to check my contraction pain level. It was still painful so they added more dosage to make my lower body more numbed. After a while, I couldn't feel my legs at all, Hubby tried to pinch or hammer them but I could not feel anything! Don't like the feeling.
2.30pm: Midwife did VE, already 8cm dilated...
3.30pm: Performed VE again, midwife said can get ready liao and taught me how to push. Pushed twice and they could see a little of baby's head. Pushing was halted and midwife went to page for Dr Chan
3.40pm: Dr Chan arrived and started to wear his surgery gown and got ready his equipment. 2 Midwives assisted me in the pushing, one monitored my contraction, another one was pushing my tummy. After 3 pushes, Baby Garreth is out!!
That's Baby Garreth freshly out from the womb..
It was a touching moment when baby was brought to my chest the moment he was delivered. Both hubby goh and I were so happy that we were lost for words and dropped tears of joy together. If my memory didn't fail me, I think Hubby Goh did kiss me after the process was over..haha..must double check with him, the labour went so quick and fast that I can't really remember some details.
I was still pretty awake and cheerful after the delivery. Waiting for the midwives to clean me up and send me to my ward.
Baby Garreth on Day 1...my precious little one... :)
Stilll adapting to confinement days. Now I know why it is called confinement cos' it's really confined at home and doing nothing but eat, sleep, breastfeed and eat, sleep, breastfeed. The CL is driving me nuts each day, she's like a spoilt radio which keeps on repeating her words again and again non stop. The only thing I could compliment her is that she can cook, but that's after making a hell out of my kitchen, I have never seen my kitchen in such a messy state before, like a war-zone. Wanted to call the agency to complain yesterday but after some thoughts, I've decided to give her another chance and monitor her performance till tmr. If all's not well, she has to go go go!
Alright..gotta go rest liao..more updates in the next post!
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